Archivo de artículos

Periodo 3

11.07.2016 08:58
¿Qué es el marketing y qué función cumple? Desempeños Identifica aspectos relacionados con empresario y emprendedor. Reconoce las caracteristicas de un líder. Identifica los conceptos aplicados al emprendimiento para realizar una investigación de mercado. Identifica el concepto de marketing y...


11.07.2016 08:42
Chain reaction: A chain reaction is a series of events in which each event causes the next one. Domino effect: Is a cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events. Note #1: The domino effect increases the speed in a contiguous state. Butterfly Effect Is a phenomenon in...

Periodo 3

11.07.2016 08:18
¿Usa el conocimiento tecnológico para facilitar una actuación efectiva sobre los productos novedosos?  ¿Cómo se solucionan problemas a través del uso de algoritmos? Desempeños Identifica las instrucciones para el re-diseño de un proceso de las TICS.  Reconoce la fundamentación teórica...


23.05.2016 08:30
emprendimiento.pptx (3717805)


18.04.2016 08:19
1. Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey has one of the most amazing modern rags-to-riches stories of all time. As you're probably well aware, Oprah is the richest African American of the 21st century, and with a net worth of over $3 billion, she is regarded as arguably the most influential woman in the...


11.04.2016 09:15


07.03.2016 08:23
computer network computer networks have opened up entre fronyier in the worl computing called the client server/mpde. file server: a computer that stores and manages files for multiple users on a network. wen


22.02.2016 08:22
supply and demand supply: the amount of goods and services that a company offers to the people or other companies Demand: the number of products required or wanted from the supplier the first video is going to explain the meaning of demand and supply more deeply  and the other  is about...

Banco de la república

08.02.2016 09:05
functions Administration of International Reserves: it administer the country's international reserves including manegement, investment, safekeeping and disposal of reserve assets  looks for security and stability in its investment and endeavours to keep liquid reserves in order to ensure...


08.02.2016 08:45
today we learned about the function "if" with excel, so we did some execises to understand it. You just have to put the option Fx that is next to the space to write and put SUMAR.SI or sume.if, so you just put the rang, the criterion and the sume rang.   9B workshop.xlsx (11998) repaso...
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