Electrical circuits

16.05.2017 09:06

What is a circuit?

its a closed pathway in which electronsflow. It contains a power supply, current nd other components.


it's the electrical charge of the power supply 
se representa en voltagw (v)


it's the flow of elctrons in a circuit

siempre va de negativo a positivo

se representa en amperes (I)


it's the component tat opposes to the flow of current

ohm/ omios  

  types of circuits


It's a closed pathway in which the current flows throgh some components without branching (-) solo hay una entrada, si algo se daña el resto tambien.

Resultado de imagen para circuito en serie
formula: resistncia equivalente es igual a la suma de las series 
Req= R1+r2+R3+R4...+Rn


 It's a closed pathway in which the current flows throgh some components doing branching.
Resultado de imagen para circuito paralelo
  1. F1 for 2 resistors 
         Req= R1xR2/R1+R2
      2. for 3 or more
        Req= 1/ 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3+1/R4...+1/Rn


It`s a combination of series and parallel 


 es una formula que se usa para hallar el voltaje, la corriente y la resistencia 
Resultado de imagen para ley de ohm

Reduction of circuits

It's to take the circuit to it's minimum expression with only one resistor.
Resultado de imagen para sistema internacional de medidas